Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ducks? Who the f#ck has ducks!?

Yes, we have ducks. Why? Because Paul and I have a pond on our property and it looked stupid without them.

Oh, yeah, Hi, I'm Steve. This is my first attempt at blogging, I hope it's not completely lame. Check back from time to time if you have nothing better to do.

Yes, I am an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. We have one simple principal: "At all times, do the right thing." I'm not an active preacher, but I am registered at the county courthouse and can legally perform marriage ceremonies in Virginia. Ironically, I can not have one of my own.

Stuff I Like:

Kathy Griffin
Chelsea Handler
Rachel Maddow
Anderson Cooper
Cher (who doesn't?)
Star Trek of all varieties
Dr. Who
Graham Norton
Katherine Tate
Ab Fab
Little Britain
Battlestar Gallactica (The new one. The old one sucked.)
Men over 40
Cats (the animals, not the over-rated musical which sucked out loud)
Classic Rock
k.d. lang
Matt Alber

That's just a sampling. Hopefully you'll get a better idea from my postings.

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