Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Republican San Diego Mayor Testifies in Prop 8 Trial

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders testified about his support for same-sex marriage from a political standpoint, why he changed his mind on domestic partnerships and how his daughter's coming out helped to change his heart and mind in 2007

In his testimony, Mayor Sanders (via said, "Lisa called me in her sophomore year in college, and said that she wanted to talk to wife and I. She told us that she was a lesbian, and in a lesbian relationship." 
"I felt overwhelming love. I understood how difficult it was for her. I told her that we loved her more than ever. I would support her. I told her that it was very tough on gay people in society."

"I was concerned because I seen what had happened to people who were openly gay. I saw a sargeant who came out in the 1970s who was driven out of the police department. I have seen violence against the gay community simply because they were gay. We had a series of gay bashings in San Diego. I had heard the slurs and the comments that people made.

"I took a position that domestic partnership was a fair alternative. I took the position because San Diego was in a tough spot. I thought civil unions were fair. I changed my position in September 2007. The city council passed a resolution on behalf of the City of San Diego to file an amicus on behalf of marriage equality in San Francisco’s marriage case."

Following is the video, presented in evidence at the trial, of Mayor Sanders announcing his support for marriage equality in 2007.

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