Monday, January 18, 2010

Warren Throckmorton: "Bahati will not attend National Prayer Breakfast"

Contrary to what was reported in Uganda's Monitor on Sunday, it seems that David Bahati, author of and lead attack dog for the infamous "Kill the Gays" bill, will not be attending the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Tuesday, according to Dr.Warren Throckmorton, Associate Professor of Psychology at Grove City College.

Dr. Throckmorton wrote on his blog Monday that according to his sources at the Fellowship Foundation (a/k/a The Family), "Bahati was invited months ago to come to Washington DC only as a volunteer and not to attend the NPB event. According to these sources, Bahati declined the invitation prior to introducing the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. According to Mr. Hunter, the Monitor article and Bahati’s statements came as a complete surprise to the NPB officials here. However, in the event the article was accurate, the NPB officials and Congressional leaders were taking action to assure that Bahati did not come to any of the meetings. I have asked David Bahati for comment regarding these reports but he has not returned the email request."

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