Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day of Decision: California Court to Announce Ruling on Prop 8 Today

As the LGBT community awaits the California Supreme Court's decision on Pop 8, activists are poised to respond. I felt compelled to repost Friday's plan of action from www.dayofdecision.org

The California Supreme Court will announce its decision on Proposition 8 today, May 26th. If it follows past practice, the court will make its announcement at about 10 AM Pacific Time (1 PM, Eastern / 12 noon Central).

Depending on what the court decides, we will either PROTEST or CELEBRATE.

We will PROTEST if:

-- The court upholds Prop 8, and invalidates the 18,000 same-sex marriage licenses that California already issued;


-- The court upholds Prop 8, but upholds the 18,000 same-sex marriages already performed, which would be a cruel, but pyrrhic victory for equality.

We will CELEBRATE if:

-- The court rejects Proposition 8 and says that same-sex couples are entitled to the marriage rights that heterosexual couples already have.

So call, email, Facebook, Twitter your friends – DAY OF DECISION actions are TUESDAY NIGHT!

Robin Tyler
Andy Thayer

Co-founders, www.DayOfDecision.org

Please plan on participating in the Day of Decision action in your city Tuesday night –

Visit www.dayofdecision.com for a list of events in cities nationwide.

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