Thursday, May 14, 2009

Graham Norton is Following Me!

Imagine my surprise when I checked my Twitter page last night to find that Irish comedian Graham Norton is following me. Woo Hoo! My first celebrity stalker!
(I always thought a celebrity stalker was an average person who stalked celebrities. Oh, well. Live and learn.)

For those of you who are not familiar with the BBC star, have you been living under a bridge? The openly gay, Irish-born Norton has been delivering his own brand of bawdy, naughty humor for years on The Graham Norton Show on British TV. On our side of the pond, you can catch Norton on Saturday nights on BBC America at 10 pm.

How do you describe this one of a kind talent? Imagine that Cher and Elton John had a kid, then shipped him off to a British boarding school where he was bullied for years, resulting in an over the top personality with a biting whit, a penchant for practical jokes and a fondness for shiny suits.

Guests on Norton's show have included Cher, Robin Williams, Ricky Gervaise, Dustin Hoffman and a galaxy of A-List Hollywood stars.

British celebrities are also frequent guests on the comic chat/variety show, which provides an interesting glimpse at the celebrity mindset. It always makes me laugh to see someone in celeb mode put on their fake modesty act. Especially when I have no idea who they are.

But my favorite bits are the hidden camera practical jokes. Here is a clip with Sharon Gless and Tyne Daily:

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