Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mixner Calls For LGBT March On Washington

"My plea is for our LGBT leaders to call a March on Washington for Marriage Equality this November and if they won't do it, I appeal to our young to come together and provide the leadership." David Mixner
Political Adviser/Writer/Activist David Mixner has had enough of waiting around for a convenient time for the LGBT community to be granted full and equal status. In his recent blog posting, Bill Clinton's former adviser called for a National Grassroots LGBT March on Washington to demand Marriage Equality and for the Obama administration to make good on it's promise to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

In recent years a lot has been said by critics within the queer community about our leaders not doing enough to move the fight for equality forward. Mixner calls on young LGBT activists to lead the way if established leaders like the Human Rights Campaign are not prepared to. Mixner and others have noted the complacency that has taken hold of our community over the last decade as we've waited out the Republicans, hoping for a more gay-friendly political climate.

As Barack Obama stood before cheering crowds on Inauguration Day, it seemed that time had come. In the months following the election, the White House has said over and over that the president stands by his campaign promises, but has been too busy with the failing economy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to do anything for his queer supporters. Mixner writes,

"Our freedom can't be negotiated in the political offices of the White House and in the halls of Congress. Our goal is not to make their path easier but to ensure that young LGBT citizens will not be beaten, denied the right to serve, have their love demeaned in some sort of separate but equal system or excluded from giving their gifts and talents freely to this nation. At this moment, there is very little movement on any of these issues in the White House and it appears that some even believe we should be happy with just hate crimes legislation being passed this year.

I adore President Obama but not enough to allow his team to delay my freedom for political convenience or comfort. It is unacceptable."

You can read the full text of David Mixner's call to arms at .

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