Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trump to Miss Cali: "You're Fired!!"

The web is abuzz with the news that Donald Trump's Miss USA organization has fired Miss California, Carrie Prejean for breach of contract. It seems that Prejean blew off several speaking engagements in favor of speaking out against gay marriage.

CNN reports:

Miss USA pageant owner Donald Trump decided to fire Prejean a month after he gave her a second chance.

"Carrie is a beautiful young woman, and I wish her well as she pursues her other interests," Trump said.

"This was a decision based solely on contract violations, including Ms. Prejean's unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization," pageant Executive Director Keith Lewis said. says:

We've learned "biblically correct" Carrie Prejean will lose her Miss California USA crown today because she doesn't play well with others. Sources connected with the pageant tell us even Donald Trump has now had it with Carrie, because she's violating her contract by not getting clearance to do her extracurricular stuff.

We're also told Carrie has been a no-show for appearances she was supposed to make for the pageant organization. The firing, we're told, is strictly based on Carrie breaching her contract. It's not based on her political and moral views. Carrie is getting her walking papers this afternoon.

The new Miss California USA will be Miss Malibu Tami Farrell.
TMZ is also reporting that the born-again bimbo complained that the pageant was trying to "whore her out to Playboy". It seems your grandfather's favorite skin mag allegedly offered $140,000 for the ex-Miss Cali to pose semi-nude.

I guess when you're an under-aged unknown who poses semi-nude, you can later claim you were too young and stupid to pay attention to the god-fearing morals you were supposedly taught growing up. You can always say you were exploited or the devil made you do it.

But when, as a grown woman, you exploit your own sexuality in a beauty pageant, open your stupid mouth and accidentally become the poster child for the right-wing, anti-gay, nut-jobs, being whored out to Hef is beneath you.

Since Prejean can now claim that she was persecuted for her faith, I don't think we've seen the last of her.

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