Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh, There's Waldo!

Welcome to new follower, Waldo77! Thanks for signing on and following Rev. Steve's Cyber-Pulpit. I hope you and all my readers are enjoying my content. If so, please tell your friends.

I don't always cover the same stories you see on other blogs. I usually only write about a topic if I feel I have something different to add to the conversation. Working a full-time job doesn't give me the time to devote to the site that I would like, but I try to keep it informative and entertaining with my own snarky slant on LGBT issues.

I'd also like to thank all my other followers, Fr. Fozy Bear, APMcKeown, aLien, hittingescape and m2mswva. You guys rock!

I wanted to post an appropriate graphic with this note to express my gratitude, so here's one for same-sex marriage done Looney Tunes style.

Would love to hear your feedback. Hit me up at

Thanks again to all of you for stopping by!

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