Monday, June 22, 2009

Why We Celebrate Pride in June

Okay, I haven't totally run out of ideas yet, even though I've posted this video from Varla Jean Merman before. I'm re-posting "Revue Your History" because it tells the story of the Stonewall Riots - the reason we (should) march every June- better than I can. It's funny, educational and most importantly, I love Varla Jean.

The first time I ran this video, I received an e-mail from a young man in Isanbul, Turkey asking me if I had a copy of the lyrics, because his english isn't very good and he wanted to know what the lady was saying. I wrote him back and told him I didn't, but gave him the URL for Varla's web site and the e-mail address of her agent. We think we have it bad here in the good old USA because we can't get married. At least we don't live in fear of being thrown into a Turkish prison. Happy Pride Month!

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