Friday, April 16, 2010

FREE Strength Through Diversity Seminar/Workshop for Roanoke's GLBT Community

I just want to take a few minutes to update you all on a project that I am so excited to be part of. Our local GLBT rights group, Roanoke Equality has been working non-stop in partnership with the Conflict Resolution Center to put together an amazing one of a kind workshop designed to help our community overcome our differences in order to work together more effectively.

From the earliest days of the GLBT rights movement our focus has been on getting straight society to accept us, but nothing has been done to help us get along with each other within our own diverse community. Join us on Saturday, May 8 from 11am to 2pm at the Claude Moore Education Complex, 109 North Henry St., in Roanoke for a rousing discussion of the issues that divide us with a focus on overcoming them.

We've put together a great team of top-notch presenters from the Conflict Resolution Center, along with Frank House of Roanoke Equality and of course, yours truly.

Did I mention all the free stuff? We'll be serving a free lunch and will have a free drawing for door prizes, which include CD's by LGBT artists, T-shirts and a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the Library Restaurant, graciously donated by my good friend, restaurateur Lowell Hill.

Are you a lesbian mom, a gay dad, a trans teen or a bi-curious, bi-racial, big-boned beauty who just wants to connect to the community outside the bar scene? Are you a little "too old", "too big", "too small", or "just too damn fabulous"? Then we want to hear from you!

To register for this free event, go to the FaceBook event page for "Strength Through Diversity" and click attending. This is your chance to make your voice heard. Bring your ideas, concerns and experiences to the table. This is your community. Let's learn how to work together to make it better.

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1 comment:

  1. Really great job Steve...!! This could be the foundation for more events like this....providing there is adequate response to this first one. If you are reading this and haven't checked out the facebook link...please do it....for you....for our community...Thanks.
