Friday, April 16, 2010

Lesbian Teen, Constance McMillen to be Grand Marshal of NYC Pride

The New York Daily News reports that Mississippi teen Constance McMillen, who was barred from attending her senior prom with her girlfriend, has been given the honor of being the Grand Marshal of this year's Pride parade in New York City.

Constance made international headlines this year when the American Civil Liberties Union sued her school district. The court found that her rights were violated could not force her Fulton, Miss. school to hold a prom. A parents' group organized a private prom to which Constance was invited, however, when she showed up, it turned out the actual prom was being held at a secret location. Only Constance and five other unpopular students showed up for the fake prom.

Comedian/talk show host Ellen DeGeneres awarded Constance with a $30,000 college scholarship for her courage.
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