Friday, April 30, 2010

Roanoke Equality and HRC Lobby Sen. Webb on DADT Repeal

Today is the day, folks! Members of Roanoke Equality and several gay military veterans are meeting this morning with the staff of Senator Jim Webb in his Roanoke office to ask for the senator's support in repealing "Don''t Ask, Don't Tell".

Sen. Webb serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee and has stated that he wants to wait until the Pentagon completes its year-long study on the impact of repealing the 17-year-old policy before making up his mind on whether to support it.

It is our hope that we can impress upon the senator the sense of urgency we feel over this issue. With mid-term elections coming up in the fall, there is likely to be a reshuffling of the deck in Washington. The political landscape in DC could look markedly different that what we see now, with anti-Obama sentiments giving Republicans more clout than they have had since the '08 elections gave Democrats a majority in the house and senate.

This morning's meeting was arranged by Terry McGuire of the Human Rights Campaign, who will be joining us for coffee before the meeting. Also joining us for this morning's meeting will be Rev. Joe Cobb of the Metropolitan Community Church of the Blue Ridge. I'll post a follow-up later today to let you all know how it goes.
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