Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breaking: Dissociative Personality Disorder Spreads Through the McCain Household!

Will the Real Cindy McCain please Stand Up?

Just yesterday I reported on the story that took the interwebs by storm. Cindy McCain, wife of homo hater John "Grumpy Old Man" McCain, took part in the NoH8 Campaign's latest celebrity-filled project aimed at preventing suicide among LGBT youth. In the video, Cindy, whom I'll now refer to only as "Sybil", showed what many believe to be her true personality, when she said,
“Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future. They can’t serve our country openly. What’s worse, these laws that legislate discrimination teach bullies that what they’re doing is acceptable. Our government treats the LGBT community like second class citizens, why shouldn’t they?” 
That was the personality that, along with daughter Meghan, posed with duct tape over her mouth for the now infamous NoH8 Campaign photo shoot protesting DADT, the discriminatory law that her husband once said he would help to abolish once military leaders came to him and said they wanted it repealed. That day came months ago when SecDef Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mullen did exactly that when they called for repeal.

Since then, the Grumpy Old Man of the senate has been ranting, raving, shaking his cane and fighting tooth and nail to keep repeal from happening. It was against this backdrop that the McCain women broke with the failed presidential contender and started being the sensible ones in the family. But something horrible happened yesterday. Something so traumatic that Sybil's personality split in two, because at 7:30 pm Friday, she tweeted the following: 

"I fully support the NOH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband's stance on DADT."

I am torn between the anger I feel for this seeming self contradiction and sympathy for the woman who poked the bear once too often. What must have happened to silence this once strong, independent woman?

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