Monday, August 24, 2009

Dayton, Ohio May Honor Hometown Lesbian Writer


"A historical marker honoring a lesbian writer is being proposed for Dayton, Ohio, and the planned memorial will make clear the writer's sexual orientation.

Dayton's Cooper Park could soon be home to a memorial for Natalie Barney, an author born in Dayton in 1876. Barney, who died in 1972, wrote extensively on lesbian and feminist themes.

Working with the Ohio Historical Society's Gay Ohio History Initiative, the gay community center in Dayton helped raise the $2,300 cost of the marker. The city commission will vote August 26 on whether to allow the marker, and according to a local news station, two commissioners have already voiced support for Barney's memorial.

Earlier this week, Ohio's second-largest county enacted domestic-partner benefits for its employees."

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