Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Music Video: "Freedom Is Mine" by Charles Gray

Have you ever Googled an old friend just to see what they're up to? It's especially hard when they have a name that's fairly common. Tonight I Googled my old friend Charles Gray. Not the British actor who played the narrator from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".

This Charles Gray, from Annapolis, MD, is an immensely talented, classically-trained singer, Broadway actor and dancer that I was lucky enough to know back in high school. We dated for a few months during senior year, and remained best friends for many years afterward. He was the one who showed me that there was more to me than my family ever gave me credit for. I will always love him for that.

Our mothers were neighbors for several years back in Maryland and now and then I'd hear bits and pieces about the shows he was performing in all over the world. Charles appeared in the original Broadway production of "The Color Purple", shared the stage with Brooke Shields in "Grease" as the Teen Angel, toured Ireland in "Riverdance", and was in the road company of "Five Guys Named Moe", which I saw him perform in several years ago when it played at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.

We haven't seen each other in a while, but my Google search found this video of what he's been up to lately. You can check out the rest of Charles' music on his MySpace page.

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