Friday, August 7, 2009

UK Singer, Susan Boyle Gets Makeover for Harper's Bazzar Photo Shoot

You knew it would happen.

Back in the spring, frumpy Scottish singer Susan Boyle wowed the judges and the world on the British TV talent show, "Britain's Got Talent" and became a YouTube sensation, generating tens of millions of hits worldwide with her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream", from "Les Miserables".

During the storm of international media attention that followed, Susan got a makeover, flubbed her second appearance, had a couple of very public breakdowns and ultimately came in second place.

In the weeks that followed the UK show's finale, there were numerous reports the the dowdy diva blew off scheduled appearances and concert dates due to the stress of sudden stardom. It's obvious she loves the attention, but the spunky spinster doesn't handle it very well.

It was clear after her first appearance on British telly that fashionistas worldwide were chomping at the bit to get at her to turn this ugly ducking into a more appropriate swan that matched her captivating voice.

Wait no more. This month's Harper's Bazzar features a photo spread of the singer after yet another makeover.

Don't you just love the irony. The world loves an underdog. We go nuts for a plain-spoken, unattractive woman with a beautiful voice because she doesn't fit the mold, then try to cram her into that very same mold.

Harper's released this video of the photo shoot. I have to admit she looks great, but I miss the old Susan Boyle.

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