Wednesday, August 5, 2009

@#!%&! Electric Company!

Just read in this morning's paper that AEP will be shutting off our electricity from 8:30 am to as late as 4:40 pm. Only enough time to post this.

With our electric bill going from $70 last month to $100 this month, what the fuck are we paying for? Living in the country, our power goes out every time there is a major thunderstorm inthe summer or snow and ice storm in the winter. It can take anywhere from 1 to 5 days to get it restored.

This time it's a "scheduled upgrade". How about next month I tell them I'm not paying my bill due to my own scheduled upgrade!

If solar panels were more affordable, I'd go off grid completely, but even for a small place like ours, it would cost from $40 - $60 thousand to buy and install.

Hey, Obama, how about making solar panels more affordable!

Will post more later.

Flashlights, check. Batteries, check. Bottled water, check. Don't open refrigerator for the duration, check.


1 comment:

  1. Tell them you are a senior citzen and need oxygen and if you die its their fault.
