Monday, August 16, 2010

The Big Commit is a Bigger Hit than NOM's Failed Marriage Tour (video)

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) headed by anti-equality troll Maggie Gallagher and the gaydar pinging Brian Brown wrapped up it's nationwide tour on Sunday with a rally on the grounds of the US Capital in DC.

The breeders-only group has drawn minimal support in cities across the country with turnouts of a few dozen or so supporters. True to form NOM's grand finale in the nation's capital drew about 150 people, according to estimates by Prop 8 Trial Tracker, who has had a volunteer following the tour all summer.

Not to take this lying down, a coalition of LGBT activists staged a rally called "The Big Commit" at DC's Freedom Plaza on Pennsylvania Ave., drawing an estimated 250-300 people and featuring a long list of speakers, most notably Arkansas elementary school student Will Phillips, who made headlines around the world in 2009 for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance until LGBT Americans are granted full and equal rights. (Video courtesy of Metro Weekly.) 

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