Thursday, June 24, 2010

At last! The Return of "Viking Zombie Boyfriend", by Jeremy Rizza

Yay! After two weeks of clean-up in the aftermath of a messy flood in his condo posh studio, Jeremy Rizza is back with his weekly web comic "Viking Zombie Boyfriend".

Dill and Rorik ar your typical mid-western, bearish gay couple, with one tiny exception: Rorik is a 1,000-year-old undead viking zombie with lots of friends and acquaintances who also happen to be from European and Asian folklore. 

If it helps to suspend your disbelief, just remember there is a grain of truth at the heart of every myth. It's best not to over-think it.

When we last left Dill and Rorik, Dill was trying to get Rorik to admit that he is, in fact, friends with the annoyingly sweet Kagami, an ogre from Japanese folklore who copies everything Rorik does, from the way he dresses to his hobbies and other interests. 

As irritating as Rorik finds Kagami, he can't help but dig her for having so much in common with him. 

Visit for past strips, character back stories and cool merchandise.
Posted with the permission of the artist.

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