Monday, June 21, 2010

Join Us for the 2nd Annual Rally for GLBT Equality!

The park has been rented, the speakers are confirmed and all that's left is to write my speech. Mark your calendars and join us at the 2nd Annual Rally for GLBT Equality!

The very first "Pride parades" were actually protest marches. GLBT Americans took to the streets for the first time 40 years ago on the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots to demand equal rights. Join us as we honor those who came before us.

Please either print and distribute the flier below or pass it along via e-mail. Click on the image to view it, then right click and save it. Can't wait to see you all on Saturday!

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  1. Congrats on all your hard work, Steve! Sorry that I can't be there in person, but I'll be supporting you from afar!


  2. Thanks, Terry! We're all so glad to have such a great friend at HRC and on a personal level. Have a great vacation, you deserve it!
