Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just for sh*ts and giggles. After all, It's Pride Month

I scanned some old photos this afternoon and thought I'd post them just for laughs. These are from our trip to New York for Pride in June, 2001.

We got delayed in DC at Dulles Airport for about 8 hours due to a line of severe thunderstorms all up and down the east cost. Ended up crashing at my sister's and flew out the next morning. We checked into the Marriott Marquis in Times Square nearly 24 hours late.

We ate and shopped and walked and ate and shopped and walked all weekend.

We are both slimmer now than we were back then. Paul wants me to make it clear that he is now nearly 50 pounds lighter. He has also grown his beard back since those days.

The top pic was taken in front of the historic Stonewall Inn. The second is in Rockefeller Center.

The third pic was taken from the plane as we left NYC. I had one pic left on the roll so I pointed it out the window and took this shot. (Yes boys and girls, once upon a time, cameras had film in them and you had to wait to have your pictures printed. We also walked 10 miles to school, barefoot in the snow and had to cook without a microwave.)

It's sort of freaky that this was taken just about 2 1/2 months before 9/11. It doesn't matter what else they build there, the Manhattan skyline will never be the same.

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