Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Pentagon Announces a Year-Long Study on DADT Repeal

Barack Obama speaking at a campaign rally in A...Image via Wikipedia
Don't act like this is unexpected, folks. We're gearing up for mid-term elections and a speedy repeal of an anti-gay policy would cost us the political majority that our leaders have managed to squander so efficiently.  Our "fierce advocate" continues to string us along with empty promises in order to save his own ass. There is a strong likelihood that the republicans will gain seats during the mid-terms, resulting in no action on LGBT rights issues. If Obama strings us along until the end of the year, he can blame it on the GOP.

Reuters reports:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to name a team of advisers to recommend steps the U.S. military should take to comply with an eventual repeal of its "don't ask, don't tell" policy barring gays from serving openly in uniform, congressional sources said

President Barack Obama has called for action this year, increasing pressure on a reluctant U.S. military to begin taking steps in advance of any repeal of the law, which permits gays to serve as long they hide their sexual orientation

Critics charge that having gays openly serve in the military would undermine morale and discipline. Others reject such complaints and call the current policy unfair and unwise

In testimony to lawmakers on Tuesday, Gates is expected to announce the appointment of two advisers, one military and one civilian, to recommend steps that the Pentagon should take

Their review is expected to look at several sensitive issues, including whether the military should extend marriage and bereavement benefits to the partners of gay soldiers, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pentagon officials declined to comment.
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