Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Snowmageddon" Snowball Fight at DC's Dupont Circle (video)

What do thousands of Washingtonians do to shake off cabin fever during the worst snowstorm in recent memory? They do just what they did as kids, go out and play in it. Except, this is the 21st century. You don't just venture out into your snowbound neighborhood in the hopes of meeting up with your buddies any more. That would be an inefficient use of your time. You use social media to plan out every detail out in advance, including the "spontaneity".

That's exactly what happened Saturday in DC's Dupont Circle. The Washington Post reported up to 2000 participants, who showed up in response to two days of Twitter and Facebook updates promoting the event. Although there was a police presence, DC's finest remained on the perimeter and there were no reports of trouble.

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