Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Prop 8 Trial Re-Enactment Videos Now Online (video)

Pro and anti-Proposition 8 protesters rally as...Image via Wikipedia
The first two installments of the federal challenge to California's Proposition 8, Perry vs. Schwarzenegger are now available for viewing at marriagetrial.com and on the Marriage Trial channel on YouTube. The two videos, each over an hour long, cover day 1 of the trial in two parts. The script was put together based on transcripts of live blogging done from the courtroom by MarriageTrialTracker.com and Firedog Lake.

The cast is largely made up of unknowns, however you may recognize Adrienne Barbeau as expert witness Dr. Letitia Peplau, professor of psychology at UCLA and Tess Harper, in the roll of Sandy Stier, one of the plaintiffs in the case.

I promised I'd post them, so here they are:

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