Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Blog Swarm" urges HRC to pressure Obama to move on DADT Repeal

Via Americablog:

A group of progressive and LGBT blogs have launched a blog swarm aimed at the Human Rights Campaign. The goal is simple: Get HRC to push the White House to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell this year. 

The blog swarm is sponsored by AMERICAblog Gay, Pam's House Blend, Michelangelo Signorile, Sirius OutQ & the Gist, DailyKos, TowleRoad, Joe My God, Bilerico, TaylorMarsh.com and Slog

We need leadership from the White House to get the repeal of DADT. The President can include repeal language in the Defense budget he sends to Capitol Hill. There's still time for that. In addition, Servicemembers United have crafted a repeal plan that would meet the needs of all the key players.

Unfortunately, too many D.C.-based progressive groups have not challenged the Obama administration's failure to follow through on campaign promises. They've enabled the inaction in order to maintain access. But, we've started to reach a point with the Obama administration where allies are publicly demanding action, or promises are never kept. Just last week, the AFL-CIO was forced to send an action alert to its members, targeting the White House. If it's good enough for the unions, it's good enough for us.

We truly believe that if HRC were to openly call on the White House to get DADT repealed this year, it would happen. Mostly because Democrats are rightly worried about the gay vote (and the support of our straight allies) months before a critical congressional election. Their fears are unfounded. But, we need to push hard and we need everyone pushing in the same direction.


Please contact HRC today, and urge them to publicly demand that the President take the lead in getting DADT repealed this year.

We are at a unique moment in history. Pro-gay Democrats control the White House and the Congress. Momentum is building for the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. And the polls show that the American people, even Republicans, are on our side. We can win this battle. But only if our leaders choose to lead. Gay Americans helped elect this President and this Congress with our votes, our money and our time. And gay Americans have funded HRC for years, in exchange for a promise of results once the Democrats finally came to power.

You've done your job. Now it's time for the President, Congress and HRC to do theirs.

HRC Front Desk: (202) 628-4160
TTY: (202) 216-1572
Toll-Free: (800) 777-4723

HRC Web site comment page.
General membership email at hrc: membership@hrc.org

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