Thursday, May 6, 2010

Country Singer Chely Wright Comes out as Lesbian (video)

When rumors started to circulate around the web last weekend about a major star coming out this week, I was mildly interested, but didn't give it much thought.

The last celeb to burst through the closet doors was actor Sean Hayes, who's true confession to the Advocate last month resulted in the yawn heard 'round the world. I mean seriously. Was it really even necessary? Hayes himself admits he was never in the closet. I can't even remember if I wrote anything about it. The very least I expected from the latest gay buzz was that it would be someone I had actually heard of.

Now the interwebs are all abuzz with the news that country music singer Chely Wright has announced that she's a lesbian. My first thought was, "who is she and why can't she spell her name right?". I'll be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of country music. Like any gay man, I love Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline, but I think that's more of a gay thing than a music thing.

When I saw the following clip from Wright's Today Show appearance I became a little less cynical. I understand that it's hard enough to come out when you're not a celebrity, but no one in the history of country music has ever come out. Even kd lang waited until she crossed over to mainstream pop before she came out. Fans of this genre are some of the most conservative people out there. This could be a career-ending decision. Bravo to a brave young woman who decided to risk it all in order to live her life openly and honestly.

Far be it from me to rain on anyone's Pride Parade. So it is with all due respect to this courageous woman that I say welcome to the family, Chely Wright (whoever you are).

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