Thursday, May 13, 2010

Laura Bush Supports Same-sex Marriage and Abortion

Former First Lady Laura Bush is once again making her way around the talk show circuit promoting her new book, "Spoken From The Heart". One of the revelations is that she supports same-sex marriage and abortion rights even though her husband used those topics as wedge issues in his 2004 reelection campaign.

According to ABC News, Mrs. Bush told CNN's Larry King, "I understand totally what George thinks and what other people think about marriage being between a man and a woman. And it's a real, you know, reversal really for [them] to accept gay marriage," she said.

When asked if she could accept gay marriage, the first lady told King, "I think we could, yeah." "You think [legalization of same-sex marriage] is coming?" asked King.

"Yeah, that will come, I think," she replied.

Laura Bush called gay marriage the "social issue" of her husband's second campaign in 2004. In February of that year, weeks after a Massachusetts court ruled same-sex couples could marry in that state, her husband endorsed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. 

In her new book the former librarian with bad taste in men writes:
“In 2004 the social question that animated the campaign was gay marriage.  Before the election season had unfolded, I had talked to George about not making gay marriage a significant issue. We have, I reminded him, a number of close friends who are gay or whose children are gay. But at that moment I could never have imagined what path this issue would take and where it would lead.”
If only she'd had a spine ten years ago.
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