Monday, May 10, 2010

"Strength Through Diversity" Discussion Group a Huge Success

I am so pleased with the response to the Roanoke Equality's first discussion group, "Strength Through Diversity". The energy from the group was amazing. The free event draw a modest but very diverse crowd of about 15 attendees, all of whom had something to contribute to the conversation.

It is truly gratifying for me to know that there are people in the Roanoke LGBT community that are willing to get involved. A big thanks to all of you who gave up three hours of a beautiful Saturday to join us in this much needed discussion of how our community can over come our differences and work together. 

We wish to thank Eddy Smart, Alice Burlinson and Jerryanne Bier from the Conflict Resolution Center for facilitating this event. We could not have done it with out them.

I personally want to thank my friend Frank House for coming up with the idea for this event and for all his hard work in making it happen.

From the responses we got, it looks like this could be the first of a series of discussion groups where we can address more of the issues that concern the LGBT community. Stay tuned.
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