Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Whats' going on in Queer Roanoke?

I wanted to take a few minutes to update you all on what's going on in the the Big Gay World of the Roanoke Valley, as brought to you by Roanoke Equality and the Stonewall Society.

First, I want to say how excited I am that Roanoke Equality has been so well received by our local LGBT/GLBT community. Every event we hold draws more support and participation. I am so psyched to be part of this new energy in the Roanoke Valley. Together we can make a difference for all LGBT Virginians.

We're starting to get some national attention. Our friend Terry McGuire from the Human Rights Campaign mentioned us in his blog entry after our joint DADT repeal effort that featured the film, "Ask Not" and a discussion group. Terry's post was picked up by Pink Banana World. See the link at the bottom of this post.

Frank House and I are currently in the midst of planning the 2nd Annual Rally for GLBT Equality, scheduled for Saturday, June 26th, from 11a.m. to 12 noon. We're currently in the process of rounding up some exciting speakers and GBLT musicians to perform. I want to make it clear that this is not a replacement or competitor for Pride. We have asked the Pride Committee to join us in this event. We are currently waiting for their response. They have been so supportive of our efforts. We could not do what we do without them.

This is a political rally intended to celebrate the legacy of Stonewall and re-energize out community. The first "pride parades" were protest marches. It's time we got back to our roots and made some noise.

There is so much going on in Virginia with our homophobic governor and his henchman, Ken Cuccinelli. They have shown the world just how backwards Virginia is. It's time for us to stand up to state-sponsored bigotry and demand our God-given rights! Visit the FaceBook event page for the latest information.

The rally is taking place during the same weekend as the Pride in the Arts International GLBT Film Festival,
brought to you by The Stonewall Society, founded by my good friend Len Rogers. This three-day event is taking place at the Shadowbox Cinema, 22 Kirk Ave. in Roanoke, from Friday, June 25th through Sunday evening June 27th. This is the first GLBT Film Festival ever held in Roanoke. Please turn out to show your support for your community and see some great independent films written, directed and produced by GLBT film makers. Go here for more information and advance ticket sales information. 

As I said, there is a new energy in Roanoke's queer community. If you always thought things would never change for us in Virginia, think again. Change can only come when the people demand it. Join us this summer for these and other amazing events. Stay tuned for more info as developments unfold.
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