Monday, May 17, 2010

Harvey Milk Day Call to Action: Call Sen. Webb, Urge him to support repeal of DADT

Activist groups and bloggers nationwide are marking Harvey Milk Day, the annual celebration of the life of the LGBT rights activist assassinated in 1978, with a week-long call to action. There is so much at stake right now. We are within striking distance of repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", (DADT) and passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), but there are some in Washington that are still on the fence.

Saturday, May 22nd would have been Harvey's 80th birthday. In honor of Harvey Milk Day I am asking all of you to pick up the phone today and call your elected representatives and tell them you want them to pass ENDA and repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

In Roanoke, you can call Senator Jim Webb at (540) 772-4236. The phone number for the congressional switchboard in Washington, DC is (202) 224-3121.

Today another direct action by GetEqual is scheduled to take place at the San Francisco office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling on her to push forward on DADT repeal.

This comes on the heals of news from the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network that the proposed wording for this year's defense budget does not include language to repeal DADT. The defense budget has long been looked at a s the best method of repealing the 1993 law that was passed as part of the defense budget by former President Bill Clinton.

Make the call. Do it for yourself, your community and future generations of LGBT Americans. Do it for Harvey.

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1 comment:

  1. PLEASE MAKE THAT 3MIN(or less...) Phone call to Sen. Webb TODAY....together call by call...we can and we will,as one diverse,sometimes tired community, make a huge statement ....loudly saying "We have had quite enough!!"
