Monday, January 17, 2011

Big Night for the Gays at 2011 Golden Globes (Music Video)

It was all about the gays as Glee's Jane Lynch (Best Supporting Actress) and Chris Colfer (Best Supporting Actor) and Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons (Best Actor) each took home a Golden Globe last night for their TV comedy roles. Meanwhile, The Kids Are Alright, starring Annette Benning and Julianne Moore as a lesbian couple raising two kids took the Best Picture award, with Benning taking home the award for Best Actress.

Colfer gave an amazing acceptance speech. From the AP:
"I think I just dropped my heart between Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore. So if anyone sees that, please give it back to me," said Colfer.

"I can't believe this. Thank you so much, Hollywood Foreign Press. Thank you, Ryan Murphy, for basically being my fairy godfather... Our amazing, amazing crew... Our very talented cast, you guys deserves this as much as I do.

"But most importantly to all the amazing kids who watch our show and the kids that our show celebrates, and are constantly told 'No,' by the people in their environments, by bullies at school, that they can't be who they are or have what they want because of who they are--well screw that kids. Thank you!"
Not to be outdone, Burlesque, the campy musical starring Cher and Christina Aguilara, picked up a Gloden Globe for Best Song for songwriter Diane Warren, for "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me". Warren also penned some of Cher's biggest hits, including If I Could Turn Back Time.

Not to be outdone by all the gays sprinting to the stage, host Ricky Gervais, who was particularly acid tongued last night (I loved it), took a moment to mention some of the gays who were not present last night, sort of. Via The Huffington Post:
Ricky Gervais promised he wouldn't get invited back to host the Golden Globes, and in his opening monologue Sunday night he did his best to court controversy.

"Also not nominated was 'I Love You Philip Morris,' Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor. Two heterosexual characters pretending to be gay," he said. "So the complete opposite of some famous Scientologists, then."

When the crowd started booing gasping, Ricky hedged his words.

"Probably," he said. "My lawyers helped me with the wording of that joke. They're not here." 
Gervais, who has made a career out of being the Hollywood outsider, the guy who can't get a break and the lovable loser, has never passed up the chance to take pot shots at the Hollywood elite, so this shouldn't have surprised anyone. He probably won't be asked back next year and he's probably okay with that.

As for biting the perfectly bejeweled and manicured hand that feeds you, it remains to be seen if it will hurt or help his career, but either way, I get the feeling Gervais is okay with that too.

And now we pause for a moment of Cher.

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