Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Becoming Chaz" Premiers at Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival is in full swing out in Park Vally, Utah and the biggest buzz seems to be surrounding the documentary "Becoming Chaz", which follows Chaz Bono's FTM (female to male) transition.

According to reports, the film is brutally honest and includes footage of Chaz's breast removal surgery.

Momma Cher also appears in the film, which captures her reaction throughout the transition. The diva admits that she was "terrified" to see Chaz after the surgery and asked if she could keep a recorded answering machine message, which was made by Chaz before hormone therapy changed his voice. She says in the film, "It's hard ... I heard her voice as a girl on [the] answering machine and asked if I could save it. I will never hear that voice again. I mourned never hearing that voice again ... At some point I'm going to have to start calling her him."

From the film makers:
Chaz Bono was a male trapped in a female shell for as long as he can remember. Growing up as Sonny and Cher’s adorable golden-haired daughter in a body he felt wasn’t his own was a crucible it took years to transcend. Now, as he undertakes gender reassignment, he’s bravely decided to share the process on camera. Becoming Chaz invites us along on Chaz’s remarkable journey of transformation. As hormone shots give way to top surgery, down-to-earth, unflappable Chaz beams with a sense of liberation and goes public with his story to put a face on a misunderstood issue. Meanwhile, his gregarious girlfriend grapples with the realities of suddenly living with a man, and it’s clear sex change isn’t solely a physical transition.

Intimate and nakedly honest, the film reveals the humanity and courage it takes for Chaz to ultimately embrace his true self. His moving struggle will reverberate profoundly for anyone to whom authenticity matters.
 The film will air on Oprah's OWN network this Spring, thanks to the efforts of Rosie O'Donnell, who has been hand picked by the Queen of Everything to be the curator of non-fiction films for her new TV venture.

Chaz told reporters, "I wanted to do this because I wanted to help people," Chaz said. "And I knew that...I could put a face on this issue that people just don't understand because it's a hard one to understand. I wanted to be able to change people's hearts and minds on this."

Film makers Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato say a sequel is already in the works.

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