Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Same Shit, Different Name

Last panel of the xkcd webcomic "Philosop... How do you like to new site? I've tried to keep the same color scheme as the old site, but it's still a work in progress.

I know what you're thinking: Why change the name when it's working so well? To be honest, the "Rev." thing wasn't really working out as well as it could have. A lot of people were put off by the name of the old blog and I think it was more confusing than I intended. I've wondered for a long time if it wasn't keeping the blog from getting the notice that I think it deserved.

The truth is, there are about to be some big changes coming up in my personal life that might make the old format a little out of sync. It will all make sense in the coming weeks when I explain the specifics. Let's just say that there are a lot of details that need to come together for everything to work out. If/when they do, I'll make an official announcement. Even if everything should fall through, I've been thinking about a revamp for a while now, so the new site will happen regardless.

But don't worry. I'm still me. My posts will still be in the same vein as they always were. I intend to continue with my regular features, like New Wave Wednesday and the weekly web comic "Viking Zombie Boyfriend", by my good friend Jeremy Rizza. There will be much more to come.

The links section will be less extensive than they were on the old site. To be honest, a lot of the sites I linked to weren't linking back and never gave me the time of day. They will be gone. I have developed a lot of great relationships with other sites, bloggers and activists over the last couple of years and will continue to link to and promote them.

Stay tuned for more. Until then, please keep up with my original site Rev. Steve's Cyber-Pulpit until this site is finalized.

The site is not quite ready for a full launch, so if you've stumbled upon me randomly, I thank you for checking me out.

Steve Who?
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