Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Viking Zombie Boyfriend, by Jeremy Rizza (1-19-11)

Lesson #1 in making a relationship work: Don't piss off someone who cooks your food.

In our house we boil it down to DFWP (Don't fuck with Paul). This has a more general application worldwide and is best observed by anyone who may be considering getting on my husbear's bad side.

Jeremy writes: Of course, all of this could have been avoided if Dill had bought more expensive cuts of meat. 

I think this is the first time I’ve eliminated a panel border and isolated a figure in white space.  That’s a little trick I learned from reading Will Eisner comics. 

Click the image to enlarge. Visit for previous strips and character back stories. Be sure to check out the VZB branded merchandise at Cafe Press

Jeremy has set up a VZB FaceBook page. If you enjoy these weekly posts, stop by and take a look around. Show your support for a talented artist from our own community by leaving a comment and clicking the "like" button.  

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