Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Elton John and David Furnish Unvail First Pics of Baby Zachary

Sir Elton John and his civil partner, or domestic partner, or something close to, but not quite the same as a husband, David Furnish unveil the first pics of new son Zachary in a photo spread in Britain's OK! Magazine this week.

Personally, I'm not big on baby pics. All babies look the same and those of us who do not have or want kids get sick to death of friends, family, neighbors and coworkers shoving their latest baby pics in our faces every few days. You're not the first person in history to have a kid and he's not that cute anyway, so get over yourself!

Sorry. We now return to our scheduled programming, which is already in progress.

Baby Zach was born on a Christmas day, when the New York Times said God is dead... and the war's begun... (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

The lad was, in fact born on December 25, to a surrogate in Los Angeles. In an exclusive interview with the UK tabloid, John swears that despite having more money than God, he will not spoil the child with anything but love. The couple have said they do not plan to reveal publicly which of them is the child's bio dad.

John and Furnish were denied the right to adopt an HIV positive Ukrainian orphan in 2009 because John was deemed too old and the Ukraine does not recognize their civil union as a marriage. The couple has not given up on trying to help the child and his brother.

From OK!:
The 63-year-old music legend and his partner, film director and producer, David explain their joy following the Christmas Day birth and the heartbreak after trying to adopt two Ukranian orphans.

Speaking about holding Zachary for the first time, Elton says: "I've never felt anything like it in my life. You're so awestruck, I will never forget that feeling ever."

Elton and David also explain their parenting philosophy. Elton says: "I'm ready to have a child and lavish my love on our son and not spoil him materially."

The road to fatherhood has not been easy and the pair were heartbroken in 2009 after trying to adopt a 14-month Ukrainian orphan named Lev and his three-year-old HIV positive brother, Artyom.

Despite failing to adopt the two children the couple want to do everything they can to find them a home.

Elton says: "We're still consulting about finding the best possible home for them."

David adds: "We feel awful. We keep hitting red tape. But we're not giving up until they're out and in a safe, supported home."

The full world exclusive interview and pictures can be found in this week's OK! magazine and proceeds from the article are going to Elton and David's chosen charities.
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