Thursday, October 22, 2009

About the Google Ads...

The ads that appear on this site are selected by Google Analytics based on subject matter and content on the site. Occasionally, a political ad will appear in the ad box that in no way represents my views. This usually happens if I've been on a rant about the haters out there. Such is the case with the McDonnell ad that came up tonight. I've tried to get rid of it, but no dice.

Let me make it clear, that I am not endorsing the republican candidate. As I said at this week's Equality Across the Commonwealth demonstration, I and Roanoke Equality, endorse Creigh Deeds for Governor of Virginia. I have been critical of Deeds on LGBT issues and believe he has a long way to go, but the other guy is such a flaming homophobe that I find myself, again, choosing the lesser of two evils.

We'll see if Google Analytics picks up on this and changes the ad.
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