Monday, October 5, 2009

Can't Get to the March? Sunday, Oct. 11 is also National Coming Out Day

If you can't get to Washington this weekend, you can be there in spirit. The date for the National Equality March was chosen on purpose. October 11th is National Coming Out Day. The day every year when LGBT people everywhere are encouraged to come out to at least one person in they know.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has put out the following video, called "Conversations From the Heart" to help you start a conversation when the time is right. It may also help ease any fears you may have about the reaction you're expecting.

This video format is really cool. You can page through a selection of coming out stories to watch. These are all real people telling their own stories in their own words.

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1 comment:

  1. Having the courage to stand and be true to share your story with others...this is what can really help to inform and change the hearts of those who so blindly hate us. Love this concept....simple dialogue.
