Monday, October 5, 2009

National Equality March on Washington DC: Will you be there?

With just days to go before tens of thousands of LGBT people from all over the country will converge on our nation's capital this Sunday with one simple demand: Equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.

March organizers are already arriving in DC to work out all the details in putting together such a massive undertaking.

Get involved. Stand up for your rights. Tell the president and congress that we will no longer settle for piecemeal equality. Hold the president accountable for his promise to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act. It's not too late.

Roanoke Equality received this message from Impact Houston.

A group of people from Impact Houston has rented vans and are driving to the National Equality march in D.C. We will be driving through Virginia and would like to invite anyone there who would care to join our caravan to please do so. We have two groups, one leaving on Friday 10/9 and one leaving on Saturday 10/10, they will both follow the same route and schedule. We've created a google map to make it easier to plan. The map and schedule is located here:

If anyone is planning to join us please let me know so that we can plan on meeting up.


Daniel Williams
Outreach Coordinator
Impact Houston

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