Sunday, October 18, 2009

Equality Across the Commonwealth

Check back for updates.

Roanoke Equality has secured the permit for Equality Across the Commonwealth demonstration at the Deeds-McDonnell debates at Roanoke College on Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm. Frank and I met yesterday to hammer out the details. Here's where we stand right now.

About the permit.

The permit from the Salem Police is in the names of Frank House and Steve Publicover (that's me). Unfortunately, Frank can't be with us, as he will be out of the country. Any inquiries from police, press or others should be directed to me.

The permit allows us to conduct a peaceful demonstration on the sidewalk near the campus, namely Peery Dr. and High St. It does not allow us to demonstrate on the college campus. We are permitted to carry signs and hand out leaflets. We can not put leaflets or fliers on vehicle windshields. We are responsible for cleaning up after ourselves. We are not permitted to block or impede vehicle or pedestrian traffic. We are allowed no more than 15 people at a time to picket, which should allow for us to march in shifts.

We will assemble on Thompson Memorial Dr. at the intersection of Peery Dr. where at the entrance to the parking lot at 5:30 pm. Why so early? First, because the time constraints of our permit. Second, the debate starts at 7:00, but press will be arriving and setting up early and I think it will be more effective if we are there when they do. 

What we need.

YOU! We need your commitment to total equality under the law for all Virginians. We need your friends, family and everyone you know to come out and stand up for fairness. We need your passion. We need signs and posters. I have some materials donated by Frank from last week's National Equality March in DC and will be making up a few signs and posters to bring to the demonstration. Bring your rainbow flags and any pridewear you want.

Who we support in this election.

Roanoke Equality endorses Creigh Deeds for Governor of Virginia. Although his track record on LGBT rights is mixed, he has said publicly that his views are "evolving". Deeds strikes me as someone we can work with and is quite frankly, a better choice than the rabidly homophobic Bob McDonnell.

Our Goals.

Following is the text of the fliers I've been putting up around town:

Protest Rally at the
Deeds/McDonnell Debate
Tuesday, Oct. 20
at Roanoke College
We’ll begin gathering @ 5:30 pm
At the Peery Dr. entrance at Thompson Memorial Dr.

and make a stand for Equality!

Roanoke Equality issues the following challenge to
Creigh Deeds and Bob McDonnell:

Stand up for Equality for all Virginians!

  • By signing Executive Order (1) which protects LGBT workers in the Virginia statehouse from workplace discrimination. 
  • By working to overturn the Virginia Marriage Amendment, which cemented bigotry into Virginia’s constitution.

  • By working to ensure that ALL Virginians receive Equal Protection under the law in all matters governed by Civil Law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Details @ FaceBook Group Roanoke Equality and

Rev. Steve’s Cyber-Pulpit:

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