Saturday, October 24, 2009

College of William & Mary elects transgender homcoming queen

Associated Press
Saturday, October 24, 2009; 4:28 PM
"Students at the College of William and Mary have elected a transgender homecoming queen.
 Jessee Vasold took the field Saturday at halftime of the Williamsburg school's football game against James Madison. The junior and other members of the homecoming court were introduced to the crowd and posed for pictures.

Vasold identifies as "genderqueer," a term for those who don't adhere to either strictly male or strictly female gender roles.

Students nominated and elected Vasold, who will represent the Class of 2011. An e-mail message left for Vasold on Saturday wasn't immediately returned.

"William and Mary is a diverse and inclusive community, and student selections to this year's Homecoming Court reflect that," school spokesman Brian Whitson said in an e-mail."

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