Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday's post: Equality Across the Commonwealth Update

The Roanoke Star is the origin of the city's n...
Not much time to come up with my usual Monday material. I wish I could come up with something witty or entertaining this morning, but there is so much to get done today for tomorrow night's demonstration at the Deeds-McDonnell debates.

If you live in the Roanoke area and have been following my blog, I ask you to please join us tomorrow night. This is a rare opportunity for Roanoke's LGBT community to make itself heard. We are sending out the message that we will no longer sit idly by while those who oppress us determine our fate.

Join us Tuesday night at the Equality Across the Commonwealth demonstration at Roanoke College at 5:30 at the Peery Dr. parking lot off Thompson Memorial Dr. Show your support for Creigh Deeds. Show your support for equality. Stand up for your rights. If we don't do it, no one else will.

Check back for further developments.
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