Monday, November 30, 2009

Blogger Lyndon Evans: "Get A Game Plan For LGBT Rights"

Syndicated LGBT Rights blogger, Lyndon Evans calls on our leaders for a more aggressive national game plan for achieving full equality.
From Focus on the Rainbow:

What we need in regards to the pursuit of LGBT Rights is less “feel good” and in my view “poofy footing around” politics when it comes to issues and taking on our enemies.

While politics are played in the head offices, when it comes to the playing field, race track or court, the gloves are taken off and it’s mono e mono. And that’s what we need when it comes to DADT, Same-Sex Marriage and any number of other issues.

What we need are less “poofy politicked” leaders and doers and more over-testosteroned champions, both male and female to get the troops rallied and a game plan of getting down in the mud with the opponent.
Read the full story here.
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