Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I know you're out there. I can hear you breathing.

Just a note to my loyal readers. Please feel free to comment on the posts. I know some of you subscribe via e-mail and others follow the blog on FaceBook. I'd love to hear what you have to say. I encourage you to share your ideas and submit your stories, which I'll be more than happy to post. 

So many LGBT Virginians think that our struggle for equality ended with the 2006 voter referendum that amended our constitution and banned same-sex marriage. I assure you the fight continues. 

I've been thinking about doing a weekly feature called "The New Dominion", where I'll post stories highlighting the efforts within  our community to create a  new, more fair and just Virginia. I want to include reader-submitted stories. Send me your ideas, your coming out stories, essays or anything else you'd like to share. Others will be inspired by reading about your achievements. This is your forum too.

Send your stories to rev.stevescyberpulpit@yahoo.com. Please include a brief bio and a pic.
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  1. Like you, I sometimes wonder if anyone is listening. But rest assured, we are. Nice blog!
