Tuesday, November 10, 2009

LGBT Bloggers Receive Courage Award in NYC

In an award ceremony last night in New York, bloggers Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend), Bil Browning (The Bilerico Project), Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God) and Andy Towle (Towleroad) received the 2009 Courage Award from the NYC Anti-Violence Project for calling attention to anti-LGBT violence.

Congratulations to four of my favorite bloggers who inspire me daily. Their work has not only kept our community informed and motivated, but has caught the attention of the haters as well, who regularly monitor their posts.

Pictured from right to left, Pam Spaulding, Andy Towle, Bil Browning and Joe Jervis.

Joe.My.God posted a story on Monday about an incident involving a comment on his site that questioned whether the fight for LGBT Rights was on the verge of becoming violent. Joseph LaBarbera of the Liberty Counsel has filed a complaint with the FBI over the comment

Pam's House Blend has full coverage of last night's Courage Awards ceremony.
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