Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stonewall Society posts interview with the Rev.

File this one under "Shameless Self-Promotion".

Stonewall Society founder, Len Rogers, a recent immigrant to the Roanoke Valley, was an invaluable source of help in getting the word out about Roanoke Equality's "Equality Across the Commonwealth" demonstration at the gubernatorial debates at Roanoke College last month.He put together our press release and sent it out to all his contacts. He also had some great advice in helping us to focus our message. There was a catch, though. Len asked for an interview, which, being the publicity whore that I am, I could not refuse.

When I got home that night after the protest, I found Len's 18 interview questions waiting in my in box. Len told me that he didn't have a particular deadline, but I wanted to get it done while everything was still fresh. The interview has been posted on the Stonewall Society web site, which you can read here under the heading "Equality Alert!!!".

I have to warn you first, that it was after 1am when I finished typing up my answers, so there are a few grammatical gaffs here and there. But if you want to get a better idea of who I am and what I'm about, this is where you'll find it.

One more thing. It's best viewed with Internet Explorer. When I viewed it using Firefox and Google Chrome, there were some issues with the text going all wonky.

Thanks, Len!
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1 comment:

  1. Most welcome Steve! Our community needs more people like you.
