Monday, November 2, 2009

Marriage is more than just a word (video)

Until recently, if you asked opponents of same-sex marriage, they'd tell you they have a problem with the word "marriage" being applied to same-sex relationships. That was then, this is now. In an effort to placate both sides, earlier this year the Washington State legislature extended the scope of the state's domestic partnership registry, resulting in what's been called the "everything but marriage" law, which was intended to grant all the rights and responsibilities of marriage to same-sex couples and elderly couples in the state.

Before the ink could dry on Governor Chris Gregoire's signature, the gnomes at NOM (The National Organization for Marriage) were hard at work trying to overturn the new law. Their efforts resulted in Referendum 71, which again puts civil rights up for a popular vote.

Let's call a spade a spade. Marriage is more than just a word and the haters know it. They don't care what it's called, their goal is to keep LGBT Americans from achieving full and equal rights under the law, while wrapping their message in a nice, pretty biblical bow. These folks have shown their true colors and exposed themselves for the bigots they are.

In their efforts to protect the word "marriage" from being redefined, they have redefined the word "Christian" to mean something ugly and hateful. Ultimately, we will win this battle, despite what our opponents say about us. The bigger concern ought to be about what the church has become in the process.

Actor Michelle Clunie (Queer as Folk) talks about some creative efforts that took place over the weekend to muster support for equal protection for same-sex couples in Washington State.

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