Friday, November 6, 2009

Cool Site of the Week: "HEY #p2, We're talking to you!" (video)

Today's Cool Site of the Week is actually a video on YouTube that's gone viral in its call to progressives to start being progressive and support LGBT equality. I love it! We support every progressive issue out there while progressives ignore us and it's time we called them out.

A (cute) young gay activist calling himself Ameriqueer has created a video with the following message:

"Progressives can't sit by while Civil Rights are taken away from Americans--help us and become a true ally in the fight for Equality! -HEY #p2 We're talking to you!"

I'm not sure how to pronounce the name of this video, but the message is clear.

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  1. As a board member of Equality NC, and the Equality NC Foundation, as well as other GLBT, government and progressive organizations, I am finding similar views being expressed more often, along with threats to withhold turnout and support. Next weekend, I will be meeting with Brian Bond, the White House Deputy Director of Public Engagement and LGBT liason at the Equality North Carolina Foundation Conference & Gala. I hope he will be providing more definitive and positive direction from the White House on LGBT issues. The committed talk without timelines that Brian expressed at Equality Federation meetings this summer, as well as the comments from President Obama at the HRC National dinner is Washington, are encouraging but lacking in detail many in the community are now demanding.

    As a former Roanoke Valley resident, who has been greatly discouraged by the anti-marriage contitutional amendment in VA, as well as lack of pro-LGBT legislation, I am glad to see Rev. Steve's Cyber Pulpit. I would also encourage members of the LGBT community in Roanoke and througout Virginia to support Equality VA.

  2. If we are truly progressive, this video brings the point home. GBLT need our support.

    John Andrew Holmes once wrote, "There is no exercise better for the heart, than reaching down and lifting people up".

    Lets do it!

    North Carolina Resident
