Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Breaking: Judge Vaughn Walker to Announce Ruling on Prop 8 Stay on Thursday

The Advocate is reporting tonight that Judge Vaughn Walker, who found California's Prop 8 unconstitutional last week, will announce his decision on Thursday about whether or not to allow same-sex marriages to resume during the appeals process. Judge Walker issued a temporary stay while he considered arguments from both side in the case. The announcement is due between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon tomorrow.

Following is the court's announcement:
The court will enter its order on the motion to stay judgment pending appeal (docket number 705) in Perry v Schwarzenegger, C09-2292, between 9 am and noon on Thursday, August 12 PDT. 
The order will be posted on the court's web page devoted to the Perry case, will be available through PACER and will be available in hard copy at the San Francisco courthouse in the hallway outside the ADR courtroom (16th Floor) and in the Press Room on the 18th Floor. 
Lynn Fuller
Media & Public Outreach Liaison
United States District Court
Northern District of California 

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