Monday, August 2, 2010

Chile to Consider Same-sex Marriage

Marriage Equality continues to spread though Latin American on the heels of Argentina's historic legalization of same-sex marriage.

Reuters reports:
The head of Chile's Socialist party, Fulvio Rossi, told reporters on Sunday that he planned to sponsor a bill to legalize gay marriage in the country, as occurred last month in neighboring Argentina.
"This is a project that I will present ... and I am also calling on the Church to be more welcoming, and I say that as part of the Church," the senator said, responding to remarks from Chilean Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz who described the same-sex weddings in Argentina as "an aberration."
A gay couple from Chile was among the first to marry in Argentina, in the wine-making Mendoza region, when the country become the first in Latin America to allow same-sex nuptials.
Sebastian Pinera, Chile's first conservative president in two decades, has vowed to give more rights to same-sex couples, but opposes gay marriage.
There has also been talk in recent weeks that Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay may also join Argentina on the Marriage Equality band wagon. Mexico City also recognizes same-sex marriage, although the Mexican federal government does not.

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