Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dear GLAAD, Enough with the mock outrage, already!

GLAAD is up in arms with mock outrage over a lesbian couple in Texas whose daughter was booted out of her church school. Jill and Tracy Harrison are kicking up a fuss because they enrolled their child in an Episcopal Church school only to have that child thrown out once the church realized on Parents' Night that the mom named Tracy was in fact a mom, not a dad.

St. Vincent's Church of Bedford, Tx. is one of those that split from the Episcopal mother ship in 2008 over the ordination of openly gay Bishop Eugene Robinson. Even the slightest bit of research would have turned this up. Now these women are subjecting their daughter to a media shit-storm over this case of highly predictable bigotry. Honestly folks, even Helen Keller would have seen this coming. This is so irresponsible that I just don't have the words to express my disgust with these two.

Tag this one "GLAAD FAIL!"
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  1. Rev. Steve, I sympathize with your concern for the child. The parents brought her into this contrived controversy. It is hard to believe they would not have been familiar with the opinion of their own church about homosexual relationships. The daughter deserves our sympathy for being subjected to a controversy she cannot understand. Thanks for your perspective. I probably would not have read the story your way at first.

  2. Thanks, Jill. I try to bring my own perspective to the news. It's so easy to follow the crowd. For other people, that is. I try to cut through whenever I can.
